The Year in Summary
We both learned a lot over our 2012 marathons. Leah gained some valuable experience building on her 2 from 2011 and we both managed to set new PR / PBs for ourselves.
We ran the majority of them in beautiful Colorado but also started on our journey to explore new States and see different parts of the US.
Races and Individual Reports
Marathon #13 : London Marathon 2012
22nd April 2012, London, UK
4 hours 28 minutes
Marathon #14 : Colfax Marathon 2012
20th May 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA
3 hours 53 minutes / 4 hours
Marathon #15 : Aspen Valley Marathon 2012
7th July 2012, Aspen, Colorado, USA
3 hours 55 minutes / 3 hours 46 minutes
Marathon #16 : Denver Marathon 2012
22nd September 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA
4 hours 8 minutes / 3 hours 55 minutes
Marathon #17, State #3 : Baystate Marathon 2012
21st October 2012, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
3 hours 51 minutes / 3 hours 50 minutes
Marathon #18, State #4 : Dallas Marathon 2012
9th December 2012, Dallas, Texas, USA
4 hours 33 minutes